Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Royal Wedding.

1. the TOTAL Girly Girl that I am
2. as obsessed with wedding dressings and weddings in general as I am
3. a girl who would LOVE to be a wedding planner
I, of course, am intrigued with the Royal Wedding. I am REALLY disappointed that I wasn't able to catch Prince Charles and Diana's wedding tonight on TLC tonight because I was young when it happened and have never seen it, and I wanted to be able to compare it to Kate and William's to it, and I wanted to just be able to experience the extravagance in general. Unfortunately, I missed the full ceremony, but I did see clips from it afterwards and COULD NOT miss Diana's beautiful diamond tiara. (I unfortunately could not find any pictures that look like how I saw it on TV, or else I would've posted one :[)

 One of the most famous pictures from the wedding.
LOOK at that TRAIN!
They also showed footage from Diana's funeral, in order to show its stark contrast to her wedding. Diana was an inspiring person, and a great humanitarian, and Queen Elizabeth the 2nd had these words to say about her:

Since last Sunday's dreadful news we have seen, throughout Britain and around the world, an overwhelming expression of sadness at Diana's death.

We have all been trying in our different ways to cope. It is not easy to express a sense of loss, since the initial shock is often succeeded by a mixture of other feelings: disbelief, incomprehension, anger -- and concern for those who remain.

We have all felt those emotions in these last few days. So what I say to you now, as your queen and as a grandmother, I say from my heart.

First, I want to pay tribute to Diana myself. She was an exceptional and gifted human being. In good times and bad, she never lost her capacity to smile and laugh, nor to inspire others with her warmth and kindness.

I admired and respected her -- for her energy and commitment to others, and especially for her devotion to her two boys.

This week at Balmoral, we have all been trying to help William and Harry come to terms with the devastating loss that they and the rest of us have suffered.

No one who knew Diana will ever forget her. Millions of others who never met her, but felt they knew her, will remember her.

I for one believe that there are lessons to be drawn from her life and from the extraordinary and moving reaction to her death.

I share in your determination to cherish her

This is also an opportunity for me, on behalf of my family, and especially Prince Charles and William and Harry, to thank all of you who have brought
flowers, sent messages, and paid your respects in so many ways to a remarkable person.

These acts of kindness have been a huge source of help and comfort.

Our thoughts are also with Diana's family and the families of those who died with her. I know that they too have drawn strength from what has happened since last weekend, as they seek to heal their sorrow and then to face the future without a loved one.

I hope that tomorrow we can all, wherever we are, join in expressing our grief at Diana's loss, and gratitude for her all-too-short life.

It is a chance to show to the whole world the British nation united in grief and respect.

I can only hope that someone will be able to say such things about me at my funeral.

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